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Worst diploma courses in Kenya

Worst diploma courses in KenyaWorst diploma courses in Kenya are programs with minimal job or career opportunities. College education should empower you with a good job or the ability to start your own business. That notwithstanding, there are courses with limited jobs. These are courses you must avoid by all means. In this article, we discuss some of the least marketable diploma courses in the country.

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Top 5 worst diploma courses in Kenya

Would you instead do a course that can quickly get you a job, employ yourself, or study a program that will have you tarmac for the rest of your life? Your guess is as good as mine; you deserve one of the marketable diploma courses in Kenya. The diploma courses discussed below have low job opportunities, so avoid them.

1. Diploma in environmental science

We all need a clean and healthy environment; this, as expected, should translate to more opportunities in the environmental management field. However, this is not the case. Indeed, a diploma in environmental science is one of the worst diploma courses in Kenya in terms of job opportunities. You will find very few jobs for the course if you scan daily job advertisements.

2. Diploma in community development and social work

Humanitarian and other non-governmental organizations play a crucial role in grassroots community development. Community development and social work have seen developmental growth for different communities, especially in developing countries. However, jobs for diplomas in community development and social work are scarce.

3. Diploma in forestry

Forestry deals with the propagation of saplings, planting, growing, and managing tree plantations. It is a crucial field in the mitigation of climate change. As expected, students pursuing the course might think it’s a marketable program. However, a forestry diploma is one of Kenya’s least marketable courses. Explore other courses to find a suitable program.

4. Diploma in counselling

Mental health is an essential aspect of the community’s well-being. People need counseling services to live a healthy lifestyle. Although it is a crucial field, few people are willing to pay for such services. Besides, job opportunities for a diploma in counseling are low. But, if you are confident in your skills, you can take the course and venture into self-employment.

5. Diploma in journalism and mass communication

Radio and TV sector employers tend to choose talent compared to actual papers. The successful Maina Kangeni of Classic 105 started working as a radio presenter without qualifications in journalism. The Ghetto radio has also employed many presenters from the streets. So, you don’t need a diploma in journalism and mass communication to work as a presenter on TV or radio.

Although college education is important, talent and personal skills play a greater role in finding work in the journalism field. A diploma in journalism and mass communication, therefore, has limited job opportunities. A great option is digital marketing. Many companies employ digital marketers who perform duties related to mass communication.

6. Diploma in landscaping

If you study for a diploma in landscaping to seek formal employment in the landscaping sector, you will be disappointed. There are very few career opportunities in the landscaping field. Professional landscapers are also confused with “shamba boys” or gardeners. Thus, they are lowly paid. But you can try your hand at landscaping entrepreneurship. However, if you are doing landscaping for formal employment, it’s one of the worst diploma courses in Kenya. The opportunities are scarce, I tell you.

A final word on the worst diploma courses in Kenya

The field of study in colleges plays a significant role in an individual’s personal and professional growth and development. It is, therefore, very important to choose your course very carefully. While there are marketable diploma courses in Kenya, there are also the least marketable ones. In the article you read, we explored the five worst diploma courses in Kenya, including diplomas in environmental science, community development and social work, forestry, counseling, journalism, and mass communication.

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